Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Guess who's back?

I'm back, and I'm excited. Not only am I getting back into blogging (finally sheesh it took me long enough) but I'm also starting a project 365. You can track my progress with it over on my flickr or I might even end up posting the photos on here every now and again. I just have my fingers crossed that I keep up with it. I'm scared and excited about doing the project all at the same time.

You may have noticed a change in the layout. I've been playing around with it and am really liking it. Also you may have noticed that the contact and about me buttons don't work, I'll be getting those up sometime in the next few weeks hopefully, I'll be sure to let you all know when it does.

Today's my birthday and it's been a pretty good one so far. I'm home alone and was able to catch up on Being Human and I've been enjoying the nice weather (I swear it's mother natures birthday present to me) and now I think I'm going to go get a nice relaxing bath before anyone gets home. I hope you all are having as nice of a day as I am!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Late Birthday! :D ...I'm such a shitastic friend for not knowing :( I really need to add you on Facebook to keep up with you, seriously :/ I'm glad you're back!! I've missed you in the bloggy world! *Hugs* :)
